About your Parish Council

Hello and welcome to the Flore Parish Council page on the Flore website. The Parish Council have produced this website in order for the residents of Flore to keep abreast of all that happens in Flore and maintain our vibrant community.
It is not intended to be a static site but something that will grow over the years. In order to do this we welcome everyones input. So, get in touch and let us know your upcoming news or event.
Geoffrey Fellows

In days gone by parishes, such as Flore, were defined by reference to ecclesiastical or church parishes, hence the expression “parish church”. Since around 1894 however, parishes have been based on civil boundaries. Ordnance Survey maps denote “Flore CP” or “Brockhall CP” (Civil Parish).
Northamptonshire used to have three levels of local government – but since April, 2021 there are just two levels, Northamptonshire North and Northamptonshire West Unitary councils (we are in the West Northants council area) and then below that the parish councils.
The idea of a Parish Council (PC) is that it should be an apolitical body of local people, or people with local interests, all of whom are unpaid volunteers and who are directly involved with the folk of the parish and who are therefore in a good position to be able to represent parishioners and their views.
Flore PC has seats for a maximum of 10 councillors. If more than 10 people wish to stand (as happened in 2016) then the 10 councillors are elected by the people of the parish. If 10 people, or fewer, wish to stand then they are regarded as having been elected without the necessity for an actual election.
The parish council usually meets at 7:30 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month (except for August and December) in the Chapel Schoolroom on Chapel Lane. Every meeting starts with a public forum where parishioners can turn up and raise any issues or concerns which they might have. Members of the public are always welcome at meetings.
There are a good many rules governing what parish councils can and cannot do, and there are also rules which exclude councillors from taking part in decisions, for instance, which might benefit them or their families directly.
In Flore the parish council is responsible, amongst other things, for streetlights (except on the A45), mowing the grass verges and green spaces, upkeep of benches, litter bins and other street furniture, helping to decide on local planning applications, liaising with the Police and other agencies and maintaining part of the closed church yard.
The parish council is not responsible for issues such as parking and parking disputes, maintenance of walls, fences and boundaries, the cutting of trees and hedges or enforcement of the law in general.
Flore PC has recently been given considerably greater legal powers than it ever had before as a result of the Flore Neighbourhood Plan having been approved in a parish referendum in September, 2016. Almost 90% voted in favour. Because of this, Flore PC is in a much stronger position nowadays to influence where building should take place in the parish and how the parish should develop generally, and also which amenities such as green spaces and views etc., should be preserved.
We will also benefit much more in future from the contributions which developers of larger housing schemes have to make towards the amenities and infrastructure of the village.
Meet Your Councillors
Mrs Chris Littlewood - Chairman

Financial Advisory Group, Tree Warden, Closed Churchyard, Rep to Flore Charity
34 Bliss Lane, Flore, Northants, NN7 4LJ
Telephone: (01327) 340918
Ms Kathryn Baines - Vice-chairman

Finance Advisory Group, Employment Group
Wisteria House, 1 King's Lane, Flore, Northants, NN7 4QL
Telephone - 01327-605142
Mrs Susan Halkett

Clerk to the Parish Council.
16, St Mary's Way, Weedon, Northants. NN7 4QL.
Telephone: (01327) 341057
Mr Andy Anderson

Rep to Millenium Hall Committee. ​
64 Sutton Street, Flore, Northants, NN7 4L
Mr Kevin Beasley

Street Lighting.
22 Capell Rise, Flore, Northamptonshire, NN7 4ND
Ms Freya Davies

Newsletter Editor.
4 Sears Close, Flore, Northants, NN7 4NN
Mr Geoff Fellows

Finance Advisory Group, Police Liaison Representative, Trustee of Brodie Lodge Playing Field, Employment Group, Website Administrator, Pensions regulator, Town & Parish Council Meeting representative, Northants CALC Representative for Flore.
4 Brockhall Rd, Flore, Northants, NN7 4NG
Telephone: 07843-309902
Mr Tom Higginson

High Street Conversion Group
66, Sutton Street, Flore, Northants, NN7 4LE
Mr Geoff Holden

Nominated Internal Finance Controller
The Manor House, 2, King's Lane, Flore, Northants, NN7 4LQ.
Mr Simon Levell

Village Highways Warden
4, Brickett's Lane, Flore, Northants.
Mr John Thomason

Parish Flood Warden
2, The Orchard, Flore, Northants.
NN7 4LH.
​Telephone 07966-341221
Philip Bignell - Unitary Councillor

​District Councillor for Long Buckby Ward
The Mantles, 27a, Camp Hill, Bugbrooke,
Phone - 01604-830871
Daniel Lister - Unitary Councillor

District Councillor for Long Buckby Ward.
Charles Morton - Unitary Councillor

​District Councillor for Long Buckby Ward.
All Members of Flore Parish Council adhere to a Code of Conduct, and Councillor’s declarations are available to view. See the "Councillors Code of Conduct" and "Councillor Register of Interests" on the "Official Documentation" page of this website. West Northants Council has an Appeals and Standards Committee to oversee the conduct of District and Parish Councillors.
The functions of the Committee are to:
• Provide the Council with advice on adopting a Local Code of Conduct.
• Help Members to follow the Code.
• Provide or make provision for Member training on the Code.
• Monitor the effectiveness of the Code.
• Promote and maintain high standards of conduct for Members.
• Deal with local determinations
The Appeals and Standards Committee comprises of both elected District and Parish Councillors,together with co-opted independent Members. The co-opted Members are all residents of the District
having no other connection with the Council. If you wish to make a complaint, please read the relevant information provided by clicking The Arrangements for Dealing with Breaches of the Code - again on the "Official Documentation" page. Once read there is a standard Complaint Form which needs to be completed. This can be sent electronically to the Monitoring Officer
MonitoringOfficer@westnorthants.gov.uk or by post to the following address: Monitoring Officer, West Northants Council, Lodge Road, Daventry, Northants. NN11 4FP
Complaints will only be considered if they are about the behaviour of a Member. Complaints about things that are not covered by the Members’ Code of Conduct will not be considered. If you make a
complaint it must be about why you think a member has not followed the Code of Conduct.