Your community website
The Flore village website is a place that contains all you need to know about Flore village, its people and events.
Come and join in
Just like Flore village, this site is empty without its residents. We therefore actively encourage participation from everyone, on every level.
So, if you have any information that you'd like to share with the local community, from a business to a birthday, get in touch and we'll pop it on the site.
Simply email us at the address at the foot of this page and get involved.

Welcome to Flore
The small historic village of Flore lies on a south facing hillside in Northamptonshire between Daventry and Northampton.The river Nene runs to the south of the village with the Grand Union canal to its left. The M1 motorway and A5 trunk road lay to either side, with the A45 bisecting the village, making it ideal for access to surrounding areas.